a old bookstore

It doesn't matter how cluttered the library is, as long as your mind is clear.Moin moin 

Well, i'm not a person that like to go out so often, so it's hard for me to talk about what i did last weekend , and bit boring to read - drawing and doing works for the university aren't interesnting at all- ; but two weeks ago i decide to accept the invitation  of my friend and go to the bookstore with her.

The place she wanted to visit was and old store- lost in time- ;i think that was the reason because it was so hard to find ar first sigth; but eventually we found the bookstore. She was reaching for a book as old as that place, in my case i only was there to help her, and maybe found something for me.
We don´t realise how many hours we spend looking books until we became hungry nad decide to go for food. 

It was a productive day i guess, something that make you abandon rutine and enjoy the moment.


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